Beacon of Hope, Inc. (BOH) is a nonprofit organization located in Mount Holly, New Jersey. The organization is primarily a food pantry which also provides clothes, shelter, and life skills training to people in need. The organization founder is Pastor Darlene Trappier which once was a person who would have benefitted from the services of the organization. She grew up in Los Angeles, California and was homeless at the age of 19 with her five-week-old infant son. In fact, her mother evicted her after she took her welfare check and refused to give her the money. As a result, Mrs. Darlene stayed in the park for three days and cried out to the Lord for guidance. Also, she pleaded with the Lord that if given the strength to overcome her situation then she would return the same to as many people as possible. Eventually, she did overcome her struggles and kept her word to the Lord by operating unofficially for several years as an outreach ministry and was formally established in January 2010 as a non-profit, faith-based organization.
Beacon of Hope, Inc.
41 Mill Street
Mount Holly, NJ 08060
Office Phone: 609-288-6517
Email: beaconofhopei@yahoo.com
Beacon of Hope Pastor Darlene Trappier and Pastor Chuck Reich Entire Interview
Rudolph Williams Entire Interview
Elizabeth Lawson Entire Interview
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