Weekly Show – LIVE Broadcasts

Tuesdays at 4:00 PM EST

Sunday Nights 8:00 PM EST

A variety of Pro-Life Ministry leaders as guests each week talking about practical ways to help women through an unplanned pregnancy and how to advocate in our legislative and judicial systems

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Choose LIFE, pregnancy alternative, pregnancy options, pregnancy support, oh no I am pregnant, what to do if you find out you are pregnant, I do not want this baby, how do I get rid of my baby, who can help me take care of my baby, places to go when you find out you are pregnant, help me I am pregnant, oh my God I am pregnant, prego oh no, how can I be pregnant, abortion near me,  how to abort my baby, where do I go to get rid of a fetus, abortion clinic, abortion options, how much does it cost for an abortion, pregnancy centers, homes for women who are pregnant, help I do not want to tell my parents I am pregnant, adoption options, choosing life was the best, babies want to live, where can I sell my fetus, where do I bring my baby if I do not want it,  places for unwanted babies,  I do not want my baby,  what do I do now I am pregnant, are their places that help pregnant women,  women who chose life and didn’t regret it, why I chose life, why I am glad I wasn’t aborted, babies,  fetus, infant help, support for pregnant women, support for pregnant teens, teenagers who are pregnant, maternity home, https://sunlighthome.org/,  A residential maternity home that provides a safe, loving, family atmosphere that serves pregnant women and teens, unplanned pregnancy, prolife, pro-life, pro-abortion, crisis pregnancy, choose life.Abortion Sanctity of life Human dignity Respect for life Adoption Fetal development Conception Right to life Motherhood Fatherhood Pregnancy Parenting Infant care Maternal health Family values Medical ethics Women’s health Compassion Empathy Advocacy.

Choose LIFE