Fruitland Christian Fellowship
701 CR-6100 Farmington, NM 87416
(505) 374-8900
We are a CHRIST-Centered, Bible believing congregation with a heart for the community & Navajo Nation/Reservation –
10:00 a.m. Navajo Bible Reading
11:00 a.m. Worship
11:30 a.m. Sunday Message | Teaching
5:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. – FREE INDEED/Living Life Biblically

Giving an Account of Your Stewardship - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich REVISED
Testimony Sunday - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Welcome Chris & Philinda Herrera
Josiah’s Reformation (Returning to God) - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Jarryd Collyer
Heaven - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Deacon Christopher Curley
The Parable of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Lost Son - Fruitland Christian Fellowship
Turn Away from Your Idol(s) - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Jarryd Collyer
The Birth of Jesus Christ - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich
Keeping the Holidays "HOLY-days" - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich
Focus On God - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Deacon Christopher Curley
EDITED - Focus On God - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Deacon Christopher Curley
Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Life of The Messiah – Harmony of the Gospels
Who You Surround Yourself With - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Jarryd Collyer
Thanking JESUS is Thanking GOD - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich - EDITED
The Deity of Jesus - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich
The Parable of the Talents - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich
JESUS Will Make You Fishers of Men - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastors Chuck, Jarryd & Chris
Leaving All to Follow Christ - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich
CHURCH WITHOUT WALLS - Shiprock Gospel Tent - Pastor Chuck Reich, Jarryd Collyer, Christopher Curley
GOD FIRST - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Jarryd Collyer
Is Jesus Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich - Corrected
Is Jesus Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich
The Parable of the Great Supper - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich
Abide In Him - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Jarryd Collyer
Abide In Him - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Jarryd Collyer
WILL YOU BE LED? - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Deacon Christopher Curley
JOIN US for Communion Sunday with Pastor Chuck Reich
Detour Before the Promised Land - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Jarryd Collyer
The Narrow Way - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Harmony of the Gospels - §113-114
God Is With You, But Are You With God? - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Jarryd Collyer
The Shepherd Knows His Sheep - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich
Faith Comes By Hearing - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich
If I Got Jesus - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck & Deacon Christopher Curley
What is God’s Plan For You? - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Jarryd Collyer
Love Is Not an Option - Jeff & Betty Jo Hauser - Missionary Sunday - Fruitland Christian Fellowship
That You May KNOW that You Have Eternal Life - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich
I Must Be About My Father’s Business - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich
Have you taken Holy Communion before? Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich
A True Prophet & Communion Sunday - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Jarryd Coller
Family Vision - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Deacon Christopher Curley
7 Mountains of Influence Prayer Guide - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich
Labor Pain? - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Jarryd Collyer
Jesus Answered, Unless You Repent You Will All Likewise Perish - Fruitland Christian Fellowship
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me - Fruitland Christian Fellowship
Go Therefore and Make Disciples of All the Nations - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck
Testimony Sunday - Fruitland Christian Fellowship
Jesus (Yeshua) = Passover Lamb - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Jarryd Collyer
Palm Sunday - The Triumphal Entry - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich
Pride of Life - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Deacon Christopher Curley
“Jesus Teaches the Fear of God & Confess Christ Before Men” - Fruitland Christian Fellowship
The Cheerful Giver - Fruitland Christian Fellowship - Pastor Chuck Reich
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