Brian Cutshall – Truth About the Liar

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2 Big Fat Lies

Lie #1. Satan can put thoughts into the mind of a

Lie #2. Satan is always accusing, attacking,
and tempting Christians.
Truth to trust in
~~ There are only two kinds of children. Children of God and
Children of Satan. All people are either one or the other.

~~ There are only two kinds of war. The war within and the
war without.
The war within is the war against the carnal nature.
It is won when a person doesn’t sin.
The war without is the war against the lies of Satan.
It is won when a child of Satan becomes a child of God.

~~ There are only two kinds of wisdom. Wisdom from above
and wisdom from the world.
The wisdom from above comes from God.
The wisdom from the world comes from Satan.
The wisdom from God is truth.
The wisdom from Satan is lies.

~~ People need to seek and trust in truth instead of lies.

This book will help you sort out the truth from the lies.

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